Established Specialist of Greater Vancouver PreSale Developments Since 2002. Tel: 604-773-4752

New Listing 188 Keefer St, Vancouver,

 188 Keefer - 188 Keefer St, Vancouver, , CANADAView my new listing for sale at 188 Keefer St, Vancouver and currently listed at $469,900.

LIMITED TIME ONLY, VIP Access with 5% Only. Price Starting from $239,900 for 1 bedroom & $399,900 for 2 Bedroom Achievable Vancouver Home Ownership 188 Keefer - Designed by W T Leung for Westbank Projects. (NOT Espana 2 which is at 188 Keefer Pl) The building will be located on the corner of Main and Keefer, on the west side of the street and it will replace a long-abandoned Casino building. The development (currently at 611 Main Street) will have 134 condos and 22 rental units targeted for seniors. Contact us for VIP Accees and more details.